Eastside Merch

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Eastside Waterbottle Final -05.png

New Owner Welcome Kit

Before this redesign, the co-op’s owner welcome kit was a manila envelope with a lot of paperwork.

The Owner Welcome Kit is a first impression of Co-op Ownership for new owners. It should be exciting and eye-catching! When someone decides to join the co-op, there is a lot of new and important information they need to learn. This is laid out in a way where key points are easy to find.

Print Publications

The Carrot is Eastside Food Co-op’s quarterly newsletter. It’s the guide to every season at the co-op! Discover new products, find inspiration from Eastside’s recipes, get to know the people behind the co-op’s food, and learn about the good things happening at the co-op and in the Northeast Minneapolis community. Click on the image to view each issue.

Design & layout: Ash Pforr | Copy: Molly Baeverstad & Sara Fulton-Koerbling

Voter Guide & Annual Report

The board of directors is the governing body for owners of Eastside Food Co-op. It is composed of nine people, all Eastside owners, elected by owners. The board is responsible for ensuring sound management of the co-op on behalf of all Eastside owners. There is an election every year for the Eastside board of directors where owners cast their ballot for those that they see fit to have one of the nine spots. The voter guide and annual reports coincide every year, circling around the annual owner meeting which is held every year in October. Click on the images below to see more.

Design & layout: Ash Pforr | Copy: Molly Baeverstad & Sara Fulton-Koerbling

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